Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Maui Memorial Medical Center,
United States of America
Open access chapters
By Michael S. Firstenberg
By Roza Chaireti and Katarina Bremme
By Milena Nikolova‐Vlahova, Marta Petrova Baleva and Petar Krasimirov Nikolov
By Xingshun Qi and Andrea Mancuso
By Ismet Gavrankapetanović, Adnan Papović, Mehmed Jamakosmanović, Elvir Baždar and Lejla Tafro
By Thomas R. Wojda, Stephen D. Dingley, Samantha Wolfe, W. T. Hillman Terzian, Peter G. Thomas, Daniel Vazquez, Joan Sweeney and Stanislaw P. Stawicki
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15 Crossref Citations
19 Dimensions Citations
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