University of Technology Malaysia,
Open access chapters
By Isaac Medina and Primo-Alberto Calva
By Prashant Bansilal Patel and Satish T. Hamde
By Nadège Courjal, Maria-Pilar Bernal, Alexis Caspar, Gwenn Ulliac, Florent Bassignot, Ludovic Gauthier-Manuel and Miguel Suarez
By Yanan Xu, Jun Ren and Matthew C. Tanzy
By Patrick Steglich
By Trung-Thanh Le and Duy-Tien Le
By Dmitry V. Svistunov
By Artem Semkin and Sergey Sharangovich
By Afonso José do Prado, Luis Henrique Jus, Melissa de Oliveira Santos, Elmer Mateus Gennaro, André Alves Ferreira, Thainá Guimarães Pereira, Aghatta Cioqueta Moreira, Juliana Semiramis Menzinger, Caio Vinícius Colozzo Grilo, Marinez Cargnin Stieler and José Pissolato Filho
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