Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Swami Vivekananda University,
Open access chapters
By Zhuo Xing, Yichen Li, Annie Pao, Garrett Kaas and Y. Eugene Yu
By Sevde Afife Ersoy, Hasan Ali Güler and Fatih Hilmi Çetin
By Felipe García-Vallejo, Alejandra Rocío Rodríguez Ortiz, Camila Azcárate Gómez, Meliza Santiago Ospina, Julio César Montoya Villegas, Adalberto Sánchez Gómez and José María Satizábal Soto
By Iliescu Dominic-Gabriel and Drăgușin Roxana-Cristina
By Margaret Louise Morrison and Colin J. McMahon
By Antonella Izzo, Nunzia Mollo, Rita Cicatiello, Rita Genesio, Simona Paladino, Anna Conti and Lucio Nitsch
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13 Crossref Citations
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