Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Université Laval,
Open access chapters
By José Roberto Ferretti and Maria da Conceição L. Afonso
By Michael Beyerlein, Rachele Collins, Shinhee Jeong, Christi Phillips, Suravee Sunalai and Lei Xie
By Diego Monferrer Tirado and Marta Estrada Guillén
By Karla Olmos-Sánchez and Jorge Rodas-Osollo
By Sarah Kölbel, Wolfgang Ossadnik and Stefan Gergeleit
By Antonio Martin, Mauricio Burbano and Carlos León
By Angela Lee Siew Hoong, Lip Sam Thi and Mei-Hua Lin
By Maja Meško, Jana Suklan and Vasja Roblek
By Shofang Chang, Tain‐Junn Cheng and Chung‐Hsien Chan
By Matjaz Roblek, Maja Zajec and Benjamin Urh
By Tommy Wong, Linda French and Mark Wickham
By Gabriele Berg‐Beckhoff, Peter Wiedemann, Balázs Ádám, Joachim Schüz, Kristian Breum Ølgaard, Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, Steven Ndugwa Kabwama and Jesper Bo Nielsen
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42 Crossref Citations
72 Dimensions Citations
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