Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
Open access chapters
By Namgaladze Aleksandr, Knyazeva Maria, Karpov Mikhail, Zolotov Oleg, Martynenko Oleg, Yurik Roman, Foerster Matthias and Prokhorov Boris
By Jorge dos Santos Freitas de Oliveira
By Khurram Mehboob and Mohammad Subian Aljohani
By Despoina P. Karadimou and Nikos-Christos Markatos
By Janja Kramer Stajnko, Renata Jecl and Jure Ravnik
By Chellapilla V K N S N Moorthy and Vadapalli Srinivas
By Daniela Munteanu and Jean-Luc Autran
By Marilou Cadatal-Raduban, Minh Hong Pham, Luong Viet Mui, Nguyen Dai Hung and Nobuhiko Sarukura
By Armando Martínez-Pérez and Gabino Torres-Vega
By José Trinidad Guillen Bonilla, Héctor Guillen Bonilla, Antonio Casillas Zamora, Gustavo Adolfo Vega Gómez, Nancy Elizabeth Franco Rodríguez, Alex Guillen Bonilla and Juan Reyes Gómez
By Kovacs Emoke Dalma and Kovacs Melinda Haydee
By Sofronov Vasily, Zhmailo Vadim and Yanilkin Yury
By Alexander Khoperskov and Sergey Khrapov
By Lei-Yong Jiang, Yinghua Han, Michele Capurro and Mike Benner
By Noreen Sher Akbar, Dharmendra Tripathi and Zafar Hayat Khan
By Jose Adilson de Castro, Bruno Amaral Pereira, Roan Sampaio de Souza, Elizabeth Mendes de Oliveira and Ivaldo Leão Ferreira
By Iordana Astefanoaei and Alexandru Stancu
By Hiroshi Yokoyama and Akiyoshi Iida
By Alexandre de M. Wahrhaftig, Reyolando M. L. R. F. Brasil and Lázaro S. M. S. C. Nascimento
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