Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
University of Silesia,
Open access chapters
By Joaquim de Moura, Jorge Novo, José Rouco, Noelia Barreira, Manuel Penedo and Marcos Ortega
By Simona Delia Nicoară
By Salvatore Di Lauro, Salvador Pastor Idoate and Jose Carlos Pastor
By Jorge Luis Domene Hinojosa, Jorge L. Domene-Hickman and Nuria Judith Alemán Hurtado
By Timo Eppig, Stephanie Mäurer, Loay Daas, Berthold Seitz and Achim Langenbucher
By Xiaogang Wang, Jing Dong, Suhua Zhang and Bin Sun
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14 Crossref Citations
20 Dimensions Citations
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