Lebanese University,
Open access chapters
By Tsuneo Imamoto
By Bogdan Štefane and Franc Požgan
By Werner Bonrath, Jonathan Medlock, Jan Schütz, Bettina Wüstenberg and Thomas Netscher
By Christos S. Karaiskos, Dimitris Matiadis, John Markopoulos and Olga Igglessi-Markopoulou
By Makoto Hashimoto, Yuta Murai, Geoffery D. Holman and Yasumaru Hatanaka
By Domingo Liprandi, Edgardo Cagnola, Cecilia Lederhos, Juan Badano and Mónica Quiroga
By M. Juliana Maccarrone, Gerardo C. Torres, Cecilia Lederhos, Carolina Betti, Juan M. Badano, Mónica Quiroga and Juan Yori
By Rogelio Sotelo-Boyás, Fernando Trejo-Zárraga and Felipe de Jesús Hernández-Loyo
By A. Infantes-Molina, A. Romero-Pérez, D. Eliche-Quesada, J. Mérida-Robles, A. Jiménez-López and E. Rodríguez- Castellón
By Wan-Hui Wang and Yuichiro Himeda
By T.F. Sheshko and Yu. M. Serov
By Shigeru Kohtani, Eito Yoshioka and Hideto Miyabe
By Ken Tokunaga
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120 Crossref Citations
281 Dimensions Citations
296 Web of Science Citations
9 Altmetric Score
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