Burnit:fitness management with free text food and activity diary
In this project we developed a mobile application named 'BurnIt'. The front end of our application is an android phone. This application can easily install and used to calculate your daily calorie intake and burned calorie. BurnIt helps you to calculate the total calorie you intake by providing your food diary. And it also calculate the how much calorie you burned by providing your activity diary. BurnIt helps to organize your diet plan and also helps for fitness management.
In font end there is a text area where you can enter your daily food diary and another text area where you can enter your daily activities. These two free text are send to the server side where we created an algorithm using open nlp, to process this text and calculate total calorie in-take and total calorie burned correspondingly. And this application also tells your BMR rate and based on your weight, height and age BurnIt tell your weight category.
The backend algorithm use open nlp libraries to process the free-text. To calorie of food items is stored in database. While a user start using this application it ask your basic details like weight, height and age this details also stored in the database. After processing the free-text the back end store and send back information which will display on front end.